
If the details below are not up to date, apologies and please contact the parish administrators..

Tuesday – 16 July – 8:30am – Morning Prayer

Thursday – 18 July – 8:30am – Morning Prayer

Thursday – 18 July – 10:30am – Holy Communion

Sunday – 21 July – 8am – Holy Communion

Sunday – 21 July – 10:30am – Building Together – Baptism – livestreaming – followed by refreshments

Sunday – 21 July – 6:30pm – Taizé service – Church Rooms – A time for song, silence, scripture and prayer in a candlelit space. All are welcome.

Other Options …..

For home use link to Daily Prayer – select the required options (service, type, date) to follow that order of service.

Here is a “Quiet Day” link for you to try